SG Contents
What is stored in a scene graph?
- objects
- appearance
- camera
- lights
Geometry in the Scene Graph
- Leafs are basic 3D objects
- Non-leaf nodes (groups) contain a transformation
- can have one or several children
- transformation is given by a homogeneous Matrix
- Root is the entire world
- Nodes can be the child of several groups
- not a tree, but a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
- effective reuse of geometry
Appearance in the Scene Graph
- Scene graph also contains appearances
- Appearance: E.g. Color, reflection, transparency, texture
- can be reused similarly to geometry
- Appearance can be only partially specified
- unspecified values are inherited
Lights in the Scene Graph
- Light sources also need a position and/or direction
- Just include them into the scene graph
- Can be animated just like geometry
- Lights can be in local coordinate systems of geometry groups
- move with them
- example: lights on a car
The Camera in the Scene Graph
- Camera also needs a position and direction
- Just include it into the scene graph
- Can be animated just like geometry
- Camera can be in local coordinate systems of geometry groups
- move with them
- example: driver‘s view from a car
Spatial Partitioning
Binary Spatial Partitioning
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